Since 2015 Hiccup Circus Uganda works together with primary and secondary schools managing Circus Clubs and Circus Workshops. Sessions are suitable for up to 18/20 participants, last in about one hour and are conducted by 2 experienced HCU members to ensure that everyone has a wonderful and yet challenging experience. We have first-class professional circus equipment and we employ the latest coaching methodologies to guarantee safety and fun.
Circus in Schools program is set out in a relaxed way and is a mix of the following components:
- Rota
- Stretching
- Warm-up
- Acrobatics and tumbling
- Acro-Balance
- Hand-Stand
- Juggling
- Group Games
- Partner and group acrobatics
- Performance
The outcomes for these activities are a wide range of developments and benefits for pupils both physical and psycho-social:
Provides a motivating and exciting experience
Increases positive risk-taking in a safe and supported environment
Promotes physical health and body awareness
Enables participants to acquire broadened circus skills and more generic ‘life skills
Increases self-confidence and self-efficacy
Improves social connectedness, teamwork, and leadership skills within the group
Provides rhythmic activities, coordination, sensory feedback and balance
Creates a space in which participants feel a sense of belonging
These “soft” skills can be difficult to define, teach and standardize, but they are critical. Young people need more than the “hard” skills of the traditional workplace. They also need confidence and the ability to deal with the challenges of everyday life.
HCU would like to spread circus arts all over Uganda and allow its member to have an extra income. For more information call or e mail Giacomo: 0777 17 57 74 hiccup@hiccupcircusuganda.org.