ETHIOPIA: Immediate Ban on Non-Electric Vehicles Imports

Ethiopia has banned the import of non‑electric vehicles, the first country worldwide to prohibit internal combustion engine cars completely. The Ministry of Transport and Logistics will no longer permit fossil‑fuelled vehicles to enter Ethiopia because the country cannot afford to import gasoline and diesel. Last year, Ethiopia imported fossil fuels valued at almost US$6 billion, over 50% of which went to fuel vehicles.

Ethiopia has cheap, plentiful, renewably generated electricity, with about 90% of coming from hydropower, and the remainder from wind and thermal sources. According to the ministry, electric vehicle charging station installation will increase to meet the resultant demand. There will also be a rapid development of grid stability to support the EV charging network; and the need to replace about two million fossil‑fuelled vehicles. The ban is expected to transform the country into an electric vehicles leader, creating lucrative markets for importers, electric vehicle manufacturers and infrastructure developers.
